Monthly Participant Partner Newsletters
Monthly newsletters are meant to keep participant partners up to date on what is happening in the study and to share data with them and other study partners, researchers, and the public. It is important to us that participant partners and others learn about key study results as they emerge.
September 2020: Study Sample Growing. Participant Partners Experiencing High Levels of Nervousness and Anxiety and Also Finding Support in Family and Friends.
Since the start of the study on July 22nd, 2020 and as of the end of August 2020, 177 pregnant people have contacted us about joining the study and 126 have enrolled! Participant partners come from around the United States (31 states and the District of Columbia), as well as from Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany and Austrialia!
Quite a bit of important information is already being revealed by the study. Of particular note are the unusually high levels of nervousness and anxiety being felt by participant partners. Three out of every five participant partners express feeling nervous or anxious several days a week to every day. Many are also finding it hard to exercise or sleep. Participant partners are reporting finding support in reaching out to family and friends.
Read the most up-to-date information about COVID-19, pregnancy, breastfeeding and infant health from our partners at MotherToBaby
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